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A copy of this photo was sent in by Kerry Tanner.

Thank you ever so much!

It was wonderful to see faces from the past again - some I had forgotten - it rekindled memories of a happy time for me.

I recall that there were mixed feelings about it not being taken in front of the school building - as was the 'norm'... and unless my memory lies to me it was a bright, cold day in early spring. Miss Bantock is wearing a daffodil - perhaps St. David's Day?

I have enjoyed putting this up for you all to see. I hope this will bring back memories - and perhaps inspire you to share some schooldays snaps!

The full image is very large - so I have also added some section of it - that will be easier to look at on a portable system....;)

Click on the thrumbnail images to open the photo in a blank page.










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