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The Old Girls' Union is a non-profit making alumni association for Wolverhampton Girls' High School.

You need to have attended the school as a pupil to be eligible to join the OGU.

The Old Girls' Union produces an annual Newsletter for paid up members. Contributions for this publication are welcome from all alumnae - whether members of the OGU or not. Contributions are also welcome from teachers who have taught at the school.

The editor welcomes not only submissions of articles written by 'Old Girls' but also publishes announcements of life event such as births, engagements, marriages and deaths.

All submissions should be sent to the Editor (See 'Contacts' in the dropdown menu) before mid-November for publication that year.

Advertisements of Old Girls' business ventures or services may be included in the newsletter and/or in this site in return for a small donation to the Old Girls' Fund. Details of the business and suitable graphics or photographs should be submitted to the editor by mid-November.

A Committee meets once a year to discuss the allocation of funds for various charities and to discuss any matters arising.

If you are interested in becoming a member of the committee you should contact the chairman and ask to be considered for a position on the committee. Currently there is a vacancy as editor of the newsletter.

Currently there is a vacancy for editor of the newsletter. If you are interested in this post please write to the Chairman and express your desire to take on the role.








Disclaimer: The information given on this website is believed to be accurate. However the webmistress is human, and mistakes can be made... just let me know if you spot one. Accuracy of information in articles that have been submitted for publication are the responsibility of the author, they are reproduced in good faith. The opinions expressed in them are those of the individuals concerned and do not in any way represent policies of the school or OGU.