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If you are an Old Girl of WGHS, the Old Girls' Network is the place to make links with other Old Girls in your profession. For those of you in business this is the place to share about your business or firm...

Via this page you can post a copy of your business card and tell us all about what you do, you can even add a link to your business page...

Via the site you can therefore share your expertise with other Old Girls.

When looking for a company to handle a job we tend to consider those we know or have been recommended to us first, so let's share what we Old Girls are doing! For a long time the 'boys' have had their 'Old Boys Network', let's have an 'Old Girls' Network'.... promote each other, to each other and the rest of the world... after all being an Old Girl of WGHS is something to be proud of!

Perhaps you are a solicitor, a doctor, a vet... or you have a catering company, are in entertainment, building, architecture or web design.

Perhaps you are a tutor at a University or teach in a school, other Old Girls may wish to use you as a contact with the educational establishment you work for. This is the page via which you can share your 'skills that are on offer' to other Old Girls.

We can then build up a network that helps all of those involved in it.

There is a Facebook Group for the Old Girls' Network. Please message me if you want to join that group but you will need to be a member of the OGU Face Book community to do so.

For a posting via the site you will need to write to me - sending details of your 'advert' and I will incorporate it on the site once your status as an Old Girl has been established.

Over the coming months I will set up 'Calling Sectors'.... where you can 'meet up' with others from our school who have answered the same 'calling' as you. You can share ideas, discuss strategies and opportunities and learn and support each other.

  • If you are an 'Old Girl Medic' click here to find out about 's.c.r.u.b.s.'
  • If you are an 'Old Girl Educationalist' click here to find out about 'The Staff Room'
  • If you are an 'Old Girl Finance and Business Whizz' click here to find out about 'The Office'
  • If you are an 'Old Girl Law and Order Person' click here to find out about 'The Courts'
  • If you are an 'Old Girl Engineer , Scientist, Technologist or Mathematician' click here to find out how to join with other 'STEM' people!
  • If you are a creative 'Old Girl' click here to find out how to join with other 'creative' people.







Disclaimer: The information given on this website is believed to be accurate. However the webmistress is human, and mistakes can be made... just let me know if you spot one. Accuracy of information in articles that have been submitted for publication are the responsibility of the author, they are reproduced in good faith. The opinions expressed in them are those of the individuals concerned and do not in any way represent policies of the school or OGU.