This site was set up to inform members of the Old Girls' Union and other past pupils of the school of events relating to the school and to help them remember days gone by....


The success of an informal Facebook page I set up to contact Old Girls led me to develop this site so that standard, static information could be accessed easily.

During my time as editor of the Old Girls Newsletter the response from hundreds of Old Girls from many decades of the school served as a life blood for the official OGU, many signing up for life membership, and many providing articles and announcements for the Newsletter.

Sadly concern by the OGU Committee as to the informality of the Page led to it being labelled unofficial and the Old Girls logo was removed from it in February 2024.

Then in August 2024 the school set up its own Old Girls Facebook page (you can join it here) and Facebook deleted my page (I assume this was as the school now had its own page and I was no longer officially a representative of the committee).


Membership of the OGU

There are currently:

just under 180 'lifers' who paid a 'one off' membership fee of £35,

13 who pay £3 per year by standing order and

21 who just send a cheque by 'snail mail' each year or give their payment in cash to Eirlais at the Supper.

So, there are just over 200 'official fully paid up' members!

In addition to this there were just under 1,500 girls who had not 'signed up' yet, but joined a Facebook community to reminisce about the old school days and discuss current affairs with their counterparts- that is now just over 550 on the new Facebook page.

Old Girls actively in touch with the OGU are from several decades.

Facebook is easily the best way of passing on immediate information, but for browsing trivia and events relating to the school's past when you feel a bit nostalgic, a website was the best mechanism - sadly this will now disappear into the ether.

Details of how to join can be found on the WGHS site - from the drop down menu 'Parents and Students' under the sub-heading of 'associations'

Kind Regards

The Webmistress








Disclaimer: The information given on this website is believed to be accurate. However the webmistress is human, and mistakes can be made... just let me know if you spot one. Accuracy of information in articles that have been submitted for publication are the responsibility of the author, they are reproduced in good faith. The opinions expressed in them are those of the individuals concerned and do not in any way represent policies of the school or OGU.